Monday, October 1, 2007

MISUNDERSTANDINGS---- do u think before you speak??

There are different levels of misunderstanding, but they're never fun to deal with. The worse part of being misunderstood is when you say something that's taken negatively, but you didn't really mean what you said in the way the receiver perceived it. It's a potentially dangerous situation because feelings can get hurt, no matter how many times you explain that you didn't mean what you said in the way the person thought you meant it.

This doesn't always mean that the speaker is entirely in the clear. We have situations where a good friend took something you said wrong, and it takes a very long time to convince him/her that you hadn't meant what you said in the way he/she took it. It is important to that he understands and believes you, because you care very much about preserving your friendship. In the end, after long sinceare talks he/she says that they believe you, but in the back of your mind you still wonder if everything is truly okay.

Will those same words come back to haunt you one day? you can't take them back; all you can do is continue to maintain that you didn't mean to hurt her.

Such situation once happennd, should make you resolve to be more careful in the future. If you have a habit of blurting things out sometimes without taking the time to think about possible consequences, then why not change this habit if its harming you and your relationships.????

Words are so powerful. It doesn't matter in what form they leave your body -- whether through your lips as spoken syllables or through your fingers for the purposes of being read -- they have the power to change things.

How is the other person going to interpret what you say? Even if you didn't mean what you said negatively, there's always a possibility it could be taken that way.

So, think twice before you speak. Analyze the situation, judge the other person on an equal footing and choose your words perfectly and carefully according to the situation and according to the deeds of the other person.!!!!

And even then if you think that the other person deserves harsh treatment and words, then go ahead and don’t think of consequences if you are on the righteous side. Because being polite and sensible doesn’t mean that you have to be good even with the bad.!!!!

If being honest, true and righteous means becoming unpopular and rude, then you shouldn’t avoid saying the truth..!!!!

But, if you think that the situation or the deeds of the other person don’t warrant such an action, then you should choose your words carefully and be warm and polite.

Remember, if u should be harsh and strong-worded with a bad person, then you also have a responsibility to be polite and sensitive to a good and honest person..!!!


Anonymous said...

wow!Again a great effort..........
you are making us addict to your blogs.keep it up...... Mayank.

mayank puri said...

thanx for the encouragement shweta :-)

Anonymous said...

very true bhayia. i think that all this has really made me realize many things. thanx

Anonymous said...

well compiled. i think this post if read carefully and understood can help prevent many unwanted misunderstandings.

Anonymous said...

very true. very helpful, well said and very honestly written.

Unknown said...

this one is really very good and after reading this i realized my mistakes..this awesome post of urs is helping me to improve myself..and my habits which once created misunderstandings wid my best fren..

Unknown said...

no dude, i must say if u are writing all this stuff at this age, then u really deserve all the adulation that can be showered on u. it shows how much mature u are at this age. and i know, with time u are just goin' to be even better person. maybe am reading the work of a future SUPERSTAR today. u'll touch great heights man, and i can predict that with 200% surety